Prostate Problems

There is a small gland surrounding the neck of urinary bladder in males, which is called prostate gland. In Latin, the meaning of Prostate is to protect or to Guard. Basically the function of the gland is to protect the genetic material i.e. sperms by providing alkaline media through its secretions. Prostate problems occur due to imbalance in these secretions. These prostatic secretions are slightly alkaline and ensure longer survival of the sperms in the tough vaginal acidic atmosphere.

The normal size of the gland is about the size of a big walnut. The ideal weight is about 11 grams but in most men, as they grow older, the size starts to increase. This is called Hypertrophy of the transitional zonal cells of the prostate.

If the cellular growth is in the Peripheral zone, the growth is most likely to cause prostate cancer which is quite dangerous than the Benign form which is relatively not so serious. It is quite possible to cure enlarged prostate using natural medicines and herbs. The nature offered us a treasure of herbal remedies and Ayurveda, which can be used to get rid of various health concerns.

Suggested Medicine:

Aayucure recommends Prostoplex tablets for all prostate problems. It is also helpful in removing kidney related diseases. It also helps patients undergoing dialysis by prolonging the period between two dialysis. We also recommend 'Gokhsuradi Gugalvati' (contact us to order) along with Prostoplex tablets.

Dosage: 2 tablets 3 times a day.

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