Choleston Tablets


For Cholesterol control.


Aayucure on AmazonCholeston is Ayurvedic medicine for cholesterol control. Choleston Tablets helps patients with high cholesterol to reduce it and eventually bring it under control. Choleston tablets help avoiding various heart conditions one might suffer from like heart failure, heart attack, stroke, and other problems caused by clogged blood vessels.

The amount of cholesterol in your bloodstream is important because of its role in various cardiovascular diseases. The risk of getting these conditions is complex and depends not only on how much cholesterol but also what kind of cholesterol you have in your blood. Generally speaking, high levels of LDL — the “bad cholesterol” — are associated with a higher chance of coronary heart disease. Choleston Tablets help in keeping LDL or Bad Cholesterol under control.


  • Garlic
  • Arjun
  • Gokhru
  • Harde
  • Panarnava
  • Amla
  • Chitrak
  • Vaj
  • Shilajit


2 tablets 3 times a day.


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