
Acidity is one of the most common disorders which is being faced by the new generation, specially by people who are high profile professionals. Acid is a natural agent of the body which is used for the digestive process. Whenever we eat something, the cells in the stomach lining excrete acid to digest it but when this acid is excreted in much more quantity than needed, then the problem of acidity occurs. This happens when the stomach is unable to digest food.

Acidity is also caused by stress. Stress disturbs the normal functioning of the body. Due to less energy, incorrect blood flow and oxygen, the digestive process also slows down. This leads to accumulation of undigested food in the stomach. The stomach cells then excretes excess acid, thus, causing problems. One of the major diseases, is GERD (Gastro esophageal Reflux Disease).
In this case the excess acid goes up to the esophagus, as soon as the person lies down. At this time he experiences heartburn. A person with GERD feels a stabbing pain in his heart. This is caused because the esophagus causes a burning sensation in the lining of the esophagus.


Suggested Medicine: Aayucure strongly recommends MKCID Tablets to cure Acidity. Dosage: 2 tablets 3 times a day.