Artery Blockage

High cholesterol gives rise to heart blockage. Now, cholesterol is not always bad. Cholesterol is of two types – good cholesterol and bad cholesterol.

Cholesterol is needed by the body to produce vitamin D, cell membranes and in the production of certain fat-absorbing acids. Ayurveda shows that high stress, poor dietary habit, no exercise, etc, leads to an accumulation of ama (toxin) in the body. This ama gets accumulated in the arteries, leading to heart blockage. Ayurveda believes in cleansing your body from the ama to restore proper functioning of the heart.

Ayurveda relies upon the goodness of natural herbs in curing ailments of the body. These Ayurvedic herbs help in removing the accumulated ama from the arteries, thus ensuring a regular blood flow. So, if you are planning to consider any allopathic medicines, we would suggest you to instead consider taking Ayurvedic Medicines , which absolutely have no side effects on the body.

Suggested Medicine:

Aayucure recommends Choleston Tablets along with Livcare Tablets to cure artery blockages.

Dosage:  2 tablets 3 times a day.

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