Monthly Archives: June 2017

Our heart acts like as a pumping station and blood pressure (BP) can be experience when blood exerts pressure against our blood vessels. Blood pressure rises with each heartbeat and falls when the heart relaxes between beats. It is a changing phenomenon and affected by various factors like activity, rest,…

Blood Pressure

Any brain disorder arises from either a disease or when the working of that part of the nervous system which controls and conducts is not proper. There are two groups for the causes of mental disorders.The main causes of any mental disorders are abnormal temperament, heredity, alcoholism, improper blood circulation,…

Brain Disorders

Impure blood is the reason for several health and skin problems. Pimple, acne and dull skin are the major skin problems due to toxic blood. Many herbal skin purification products are available in the market to purify body. Artificial products give lot of side effects. Instead of using artificial products…

Blood Impurities